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Demoniac Youth is an electro pop music group originally created in 1993.
Mentors of Demoniac Youth are Depeche ModeKraftwerk , The Human LeagueUltravox .
Big fan of Depeche Mode since the first half of the 80s, Demoniac Youth has been waiting since the beginning of the 90s for the release of the second opus of the masterful album Violator .
30 years later it's wasted effort.
In the early 90s Demoniac Youth wondered how they would have liked to see this group evolve and what types of sounds to borrow.
This is why between 1993 and 1996 Demoniac Youth wrote (singer-songwriter) about forty songs.
The tracks were mastered with the rudimentary means of the time on audio cassette from a simple hi-fi system with a terrible sound in the end.
The record companies did not wish to dwell on it.
Here we are a quarter of a century later. Demoniac Youth now has a good recording studio.
So let the next 25 years be years of musical success for Demoniac Youth.



Part 1: March to July 2020

In March 2020 during confinement I wrote my first song after 25 years of hiatus.
Writing a song is done very quickly: maximum 1/2 day for the lyrics, a few ideas of melodies that arrive without warning like a divine light, I sing them into my phone in the middle of the night.
Then begins the real work where you have to spend one or two weeks to find the right sound for each track, to also use for the rhythm several different drums combined.
Then you have to treat each track with the effect that suits it best.
Two months later finally comes the moment when we can record the voice.
Then again a month later after having re-sculpted some parts of the song and well mastered each track so that each has its part of existence the work seems finished.
Like the singer Christophe (Daniel Bevilacqua), I am too perfectionist and would like to divide by 10 the time it takes me to build a song.
Lyrics are universal, I'm talking about passing time, the fear of aging, fear of not having made the right choices, the memory of those we have known and who are no longer in this world, but the conclusion of all this is to enjoy every sunrise because seeing a sunrise is a gift of life.


Part 2: July to August 2020
A song without the visual concept of a videoclip is not pretty attractive.
Coldplay knows it, that's why they put sometimes on their world commercial music with non-transcendental lyrics an offbeat video clip like in paradise
To do the video I had to find an accessory related to the title of the single: a cheap clock that I have in my recording studio.
And what about the subject: passing time.
The idea therefore becomes that of walking with a clock under my arm in magical and natural places.
But what for?
Let's say it's a game of hide and seek with my daughter who asks me to find her in a time well defined by the clock.
I have used my mobile phone to take videos of cool places around me.
And after days spent on DaVinci Resolve (very very good software) the video clip was born.


Part 3: August 2020 to... I don't know
Promote the single.
Hard task when we are new born in actual music market.
find a broadcaster:
Create a google channel.
Migrate to an Artist Google Channel (needs to have at least 3 published tracks).
Create a website (that's what I'm doing now by writing these sentences).
Create a music band profil in Facebook, create also in Twitter, and others...
Damned it's the obstacle course. It takes a lot of time and a lot of patience.
So let's see what will happen during next weeks.

©2020 by Demoniac Youth. Created with

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